
Department of Social Protection Grants

The Hearing Aid Grant is administered by the Department of Social Protection under the Treatment Benefit Scheme.

The Treatment benefit scheme is currently available to all insured workers and retired people (including dependent spouses) who have paid the required number of PRSI Contributions.


The Grant subsidies the purchase price of hearing aids up to a maximum of €1000 and is available when obtaining hearing instruments from an Independent Practitioner such as Leinster Hearing Services.

The Department of Social Protection allows individuals to claim for a new €1000 hearing aid grant every four years.


Leinster Hearing Services is an approved Department of Social Protection Panellist.


If you would like to know if you qualify for the grant please contact us on LoCall 0818 646 005 0r 059 913 7670.

For more information on Prices and Grants see our Prices Page.